Digitalization Application Best Paper Award Recipients
Due to technology committee name change, prior to 2020 all award recipients received the Computer Applications Best Paper Award
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YearFull NamePaper Title
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2024Mr. Carter AlmquistAdopting Machine-Learning-Based Workflows for Reducing Production Risk and Cost
2024Mr. Pamir OzbayAdopting Machine-Learning-Based Workflows for Reducing Production Risk and Cost
2023Mr. Alex Alvarez AlaverriaEnergy Savings and Quality Reliability by Superheat Control Prediction to the Continuous Casting Through Machine Learning
2023Ms. Maria Luisa ArgaezEnergy Savings and Quality Reliability by Superheat Control Prediction to the Continuous Casting Through Machine Learning
2023Esnardo Morales FariasEnergy Savings and Quality Reliability by Superheat Control Prediction to the Continuous Casting Through Machine Learning
2023Mr. Nelson SanchezEnergy Savings and Quality Reliability by Superheat Control Prediction to the Continuous Casting Through Machine Learning
2022Mr. Luiz Alberto De Oliveira MartinsInnovative Surface Inspection System Deployment
2022Mr. Brian FeaganInnovative Surface Inspection System Deployment
2022Beth IsbellInnovative Surface Inspection System Deployment
2022Mr. Brad G. MastersInnovative Surface Inspection System Deployment
2022Armelle PerrichonInnovative Surface Inspection System Deployment
2022Ms. Liwei ZhangInnovative Surface Inspection System Deployment
2021Mr. Yury A. KrotovSmart Ladle: AI-Based Tool for Optimizing Casting Temperature
2021Mr. Zhankun LuoSmart Ladle: AI-Based Tool for Optimizing Casting Temperature
2021Mr. Nicholas WallaSmart Ladle: AI-Based Tool for Optimizing Casting Temperature
2021Dr. Chenn Q. Zhou, Ph.D.Smart Ladle: AI-Based Tool for Optimizing Casting Temperature
2020Mr. Jens FrenzelAdvanced Profile Control: Model - Optimization - Contour
2020Mr. Christopher GusekAdvanced Profile Control: Model - Optimization - Contour
2020Mr. Matthias KurzAdvanced Profile Control: Model - Optimization - Contour
2020Mr. Marco MieleAdvanced Profile Control: Model - Optimization - Contour