Jerry Silver Award for Best Paper Recipients

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 Page 1 of 4, items 1 to 20 of 74.
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YearFull NamePaper Title
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 Page 1 of 4, items 1 to 20 of 74.
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2024Dr. Viraj Ashok AthavaleIn-Situ Observation of the Solidification of X70 Steel Using High-Temperature Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
2024Dr. Laura N. BartlettIn-Situ Observation of the Solidification of X70 Steel Using High-Temperature Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
2024Dr. Mario F. BuchelyIn-Situ Observation of the Solidification of X70 Steel Using High-Temperature Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
2024Ms. Katelyn E. KiserIn-Situ Observation of the Solidification of X70 Steel Using High-Temperature Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
2024Dr. Ronald J. O'MalleyIn-Situ Observation of the Solidification of X70 Steel Using High-Temperature Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
2023Mr. Anthony J. BaderEffect of Mold Powder Residue on Thin-Cast Slab Scale Structure Evolution During Reheating and Descaling
2023Dr. Simon N. LekakhEffect of Mold Powder Residue on Thin-Cast Slab Scale Structure Evolution During Reheating and Descaling
2023Dr. Ronald J. O'MalleyEffect of Mold Powder Residue on Thin-Cast Slab Scale Structure Evolution During Reheating and Descaling
2023Dr. Richard OseiEffect of Mold Powder Residue on Thin-Cast Slab Scale Structure Evolution During Reheating and Descaling
2023Mr. Dmitry TsvetkovEffect of Mold Powder Residue on Thin-Cast Slab Scale Structure Evolution During Reheating and Descaling
2022Dr. Laura N. BartlettHot Ductility Behavior of V-N Microalloyed Steels
2022Dr. Mario F. BuchelyHot Ductility Behavior of V-N Microalloyed Steels
2022Dr. Simon N. LekakhHot Ductility Behavior of V-N Microalloyed Steels
2022Dr. Ronald J. O'MalleyHot Ductility Behavior of V-N Microalloyed Steels
2022Miss Madhuri VaradarajanHot Ductility Behavior of V-N Microalloyed Steels
2021Trevor J. BallardDouble-Twist Torsion Testing to Assess Partial Recrystallization in Microalloyed Steels
2021Dr. Emmanuel De MoorDouble-Twist Torsion Testing to Assess Partial Recrystallization in Microalloyed Steels
2021Dr. Kip O. FindleyDouble-Twist Torsion Testing to Assess Partial Recrystallization in Microalloyed Steels
2021Dr. John G. SpeerDouble-Twist Torsion Testing to Assess Partial Recrystallization in Microalloyed Steels
2020Dr. Kip O. FindleyEffect of Liquid Metal Embrittlement on Mechanical Behavior of Advanced High-Strength Steel Spot Welds at Ambient and Low Temperatures