Pittsburgh Chapter: New Members

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Full NameCompanyTitle
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Mr. Krishna Goutham AkubathiniCV EngineeringDirector of Projects
Melanie AllanTENOVA Inc.Spare Parts Specialist
Mrs. Supattra AltmanDuraloy Technologies, Inc.Metallurgist
Laura AltmeyerFibercon InternationalChief Marketing Officer
Miss Stacey AstfalkVollmer America, Inc.Administrative Assitant
Kameron BottCID Associates, Inc.Engineer
David BoyceStellar Industrial SupplyAccount Relatioship Manager
Mr. Donald Michael BuikeCleveland-Cliffs MonessenSection Manager Maintenance
Miss Hilary A. CollinsAssociation for Iron & Steel TechnologyMember Chapter Administrator
Mr. Eric FarnhamOpta (USA) Inc.Plant Manager
Dr. James R. FeketeJRF Technical Consulting LLCPrincipal
Mr. Joel HawthorneTMS International, LLCPresident & CEO
Miss Mersaydes HumphreyConstruction on All Levels (COAL) LLC 
Mr. Francis Benjamin IvanczaMcKim & CreedProject Engineer
Mr. Frank JeskieANDRITZ Metals USA Inc.Regional Sales Manager
Mr. Keith KocherVollmer America, Inc.Sales Engineer
Jared Korbini Mechanical Maintenance Technician
Ms. Lyndsey KramerChiz Bros. 
Jonathan LangPremier AutomationSales Engineer
Mr. Matthew LuckeUnion Electric Steel Corp.QA Superintendent