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Effect of the Porosity Distribution on the Industrial-Scale DRI Reforming Process

In the direct reduced iron (DRI) reforming process, the quality of reducing gas (i.e., CO+H2) depends on the local porosity distribution in the reformer tubes, which in turn depend on the catalyst design. In the present work, a computational fluid dynamics model is developed to simulate the industrial-scale DRI reforming process that includes the multicomponent gas mixture flow in reactor tubes and burners, reforming reactions in catalyst-filled tubes, and combustion in burners. The model predictions of tube outlet reformed gas composition and temperature are validated with plant data. The model is further used to investigate the effect of the local porosity distribution: (i) constant bed porosity and (ii) variable radial porosity due to catalyst design on the local flow field, reforming reaction rates, and ultimately on reformed gas quality and temperature.
2025/04 AIST Iron & Steel Technology April
Sirisha Parvathaneni, Marcelo W. Andrade
April 01, 2025
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