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Zero-Carbon Tempered MgO-ZnO Brick as an Alternative of Fired Magnesia Chrome for Safety Lining of Stainless Steel Ladle

New environmentally friendly processes and the reduction of pollutant emissions are the new driving force of the steelmaking industry. Magnesia chrome bricks fired above 1,700°C are used in the safety lining of stainless steel ladles due to their high physical and mechanical properties and dimensional stability. Tempered bricks were developed using a special binder system that eliminates the firing process and CO2 emissions related to burning fossil fuels. The new brick is based on MgO-ZnO with free chrome and carbon. Properties and performance results of fired and tempered brick used in the safety lining of the stainless steel ladle will be presented in this article.
2024/08 AIST Iron & Steel Technology August
Carlos Pagliosa, Bárbara Melo, Arilton Junior, Carlos Lares
August 01, 2024
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